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IDC - Grade 2 / Grade 3 - Narrow-Stile Lock Body - Deadlock, Deadlatch, Hookbolt

  • $3000

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Manufacturer: International Door Closers

Deadlock Bolt 1-3/8" throw made of 5-ply laminated steel with a hardened roller pin in a case hardened center ply for maximum security.

HookBolt 13/16" throw made of 5-ply laminated steel with a hardened roller pin in a case hardened center ply for maximum security.

Deadlatch Bolt 1/2" throw, Chrome plated with Delrin insert for smooth, quiet latching.Field reversible for opposite hand.Key controlled dogging. SS-4510 Strike included (US26D silver finish).


Lock accepts standard 1-5/32" Mortise Key or Thumbturn Cylinders with AR MS-Type cam.


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